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Titre : Consider The Issues: Listening And Critical Thinking Skills (third edition)
Langue(s) : Anglais
Références : LIV 4994 (174 p.) + CD 4994
Editeur : Longman / NPR
Année : 2004
Auteurs : Carol NUMRICH in cooperation with NPR 
CRL : CRL Sciences 2
Compétences : Ecrire, Lire Débutant complet : non
Thèmes :
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Activités proposées :
Aides disponibles :
Descriptif : a book
Résumé : The Issues Series Audio Program provides the audio for all listening exercises. This academic listening and speaking series uses original National Public Radio broadcasts to provide a context for listening comprehension and discussion. As students develop listening strategies and critical thinking skills, they also learn to integrate grammar and vocabulary activities into their everyday speech and writing.
Sommaire :
* Twelve thought-provoking units -- six new to this edition -- emphasize critical thinking activities such as discussion, debate, and values clarification.
* New topics include cell phone courtesy, globalization, medicine as business, philanthropy, how technology is blurring boundaries between home and work, and the influence of media on young adults.
* New pronunciation strand provides practice with native English sound patterns.
* Inferencing questions encourage students to find implied meanings.

Audio Sample
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Peut être emprunté : non
Fiche créée le : 01/03/2011 Fiche modifiée le : 13/01/2012 17:28:50